Economic abundance in thought and action

Many of today’s crises – including the climate and biodiversity crises, existential poverty and a political mood of powerlessness – have to do with the way we do business. But economic practice is not a natural necessity: it is made by people.

Against this background, an understanding of the role of economic knowledge in transformation processes becamos a paramount task of social sciene. In addition to a critical reflection of standard economic approaches, the focus is on the examination of the abundance of existing and possible economies: for example, in the form of organisational or production designs or of imaginaries and transition paths for future-fit economies. This understanding must be incorporated into democratic, public processes in which a Good Life for all is negotiated and realised.

As scientists, we are inevitably part of this public process and in this respect we are always positioned. Our actions or non-actions always make a difference. To understand these effects means to principally be able to justify scientific practice.

Out now

Schlaile, Michael; Hector, Veronica; Peters, Luis; Bäuerle, Lukas; Smith, Beth; Hilt; Annette; Graupe; Silja (2024): Innovation Amidst Turmoil: A SenseMaker Study of Managerial Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis in Germany. In: Journal of Innovation Economics and Management 43(1), 285-318. Online here.


  • 5th Sep 2024,: Think tanks as field (re)configurators? The example of the New Economy landscape. Vortrag auf der diesjährigen Jahreskonferenz der European Association of Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) in Bilbao, Spain.
  • 26th Sep 2024, 10:30 am: Nachhaltig kapitalistisch!? Zukünfte, Paradigmen und Technologien der deutschen Wärmewende. Vortrag im Rahmen der 7. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für sozioökonomische Bildung und Wissenschaft (GSÖBW), Universität Köln. Gemeinsam mit Merle Barkey, Josephine Semb und Valentin Sagvosdkin.